Meet Nadia

I am here to help the collective heal and move forward. To do this, I help people find closure to the past and inspire them toward new beginnings.

I am a unique blend of feminine and masculine energy, holding space for you to sit with what is, while also pushing you to move forward into what you can be based on your unique gifts and potential.

I am a lifelong learner and student of human potential. I see deeply into people and will help you connect the dots in your life that you might not be able to connect by yourself.

My work is an invitation to take what works and leave what doesn’t. It’s an invitation to explore what works in your own life to achieve your highest potential.


How I found this path

Digging deep, identifying and sitting with inner wounds, finding closure and ultimately the inspiration to move forward. My life has been a series of these emotional initiations and helping others navigate their own.

Reclaiming myself through spirit-led inquiry has taken time, patience, and inner stillness. For many years I lived in the Bay Area working in various Marketing roles at ad agencies and financial technology companies. I wasn’t in a position to quit my job and travel the world to “find myself.” I was in a one-bedroom apartment, living a life that I had always envisioned would make me whole, yet in reality was soul-emptying.

I began sitting with myself with nowhere to go and nowhere to be on nights and weekends. This was the most beautiful, albeit painful gift I have ever given myself. I spent hours holed up in my apartment or in a park with my dog journaling. I used physical exercise as a way to get out of my head and into my body. I started slowly unpacking years of psychological neglect, nurturing my spirit from the inside out.

Looking back, this was my first “dark night of the soul.” A time that I decided to stop running from myself and get curious about who I really am, what I value, and how I want to measure my life.

When you turn down the volume on everything else in your life, a surprising thing happens: your inner voice emerges. First, I spent months processing my own lived experiences—painful things such as a history of familial substance abuse, a deep fear of rejection, and a dysfunctional relationship with money.

Once I was able to clear the debris in my system, I started to hear my own inner wisdom for the first time. I started listening to what my soul wanted. It was during this period of humble reflection that I found Human Design. A system that beautifully articulated my lived experience—my gifts, blocks, and boundaries, and how I’m energetically designed to work.

It also revealed the truth that I had spent a lifetime evading: I am here to help people find healing and move forward and I’ve been on a journey stepping into that truth ever since.

Today, I lead transformational work through 1:1 coaching, group work, Human Design readings, and community healing events. I also host a podcast unpacking the changing energetic currents of our collective consciousness called, “The Current.”

When I’m not guiding others back to themselves, you can find me hiking the hills behind our house in Marin with our two dogs, Otis and Murphy.


Why now?

If not now, when? The energy of these times is potent. The energetic currents are making visible what no longer serves us in a way that forces us to reckon with our true nature by letting go of what is no longer ours to hold.

We’re being initiated to STOP seeking outside of ourselves and start cultivating our own inner guidance. You have the ability to reclaim your inner truth and embodied JOY if you answer the call. I would be honored to work with you—let’s go there.


Born in Michigan to an American-born father and a first-generation Middle Eastern immigrant mother, Nadia developed a deep curiosity about human emotions, relationships, and spirituality from a young age.

Nadia has an undergraduate degree in Communications and Sociology from Northwestern University where she spent most of her time learning about human behavior through formal study and observing her peers.

On the day of her graduation, Nadia boarded a one-way flight to San Francisco with two suitcases and an entry level job in advertising. Prior to taking the leap and starting her business, Nadia led Product Marketing for Square’s business lending division, Square Capital.

Currently, Nadia is pursuing a Master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy from The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California graduating Fall 2023.

Nadia is a deeply committed student of her own inner wisdom, Psychology, and Human Design. She uniquely blends these systems in her work to help people more fully understand and love themselves, heal the past, and turn an optimistic eye toward building a life that makes their soul come alive.